This new Guilds feature allows Guilds to compete against each other for prestige and a top prize via a new Guild Leaderboards system, as well as unlock rewards and content for everyone in the guild by working together.

Alter Schwede, habe ich da Bock drauf! Gildenkämpfe in Minion Masters. Wer von Euch ist dabei? Samstag im Stream wird direkt gerockt!

– Guild Conquest involves special Conquest matches where the Glory you earn is stored as a contribution to the Guild’s Conquest level.

– The higher your Guild’s Conquest tier is, the more rewards you’ll unlock for everyone in the Guild!

– Guilds with the highest Conquest level will be at the top of the new Guild Leaderboard. The guild that finishes in first place at the end of a Conquest Season will receive 5 legendary cards for every player in their guild. Aim for the top!

Quelle: Betadwarf.com




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