Nephalem, we welcome you to our seven-day PTR for the 2.7.5 update. Beginning on January 31st, we’ll need your help in testing the Rites of Sanctuary seasonal theme, Primordial Ashes feature, and changes to both Class Skills and items. Take time to acquaint yourself with these patch notes—we have some substantial new features in store. (via)

Auch wenn die Fans von Diablo aktuell gespannt auf das im Sommer 2023 erscheinende Diablo 4 warten und der Fokus eindeutig auf dem Spiel liegt, so haben die Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment den dritten Teil der Reihe aber noch nicht komplett aufgegeben. Aus diesem Grund wurde gestern Abend auch der brandneue Patch 2.7.5 für das Spiel angekündigt, der am 31. Januar 2023 auf den PTR aufgespielt werden soll. Dieser Patch zeichnet sich dabei hauptsächlich dadurch aus, dass er Saison 28 und das damit verbundene Saisonthema „Rites of Sanctuary“ mit sich bringt.

In Saison 28 dreht sich in Diablo 3 alles um den brandneuen Altar of Rites. Dieses Objekt stellt den Spielern im Grunde einen neuen Talentbaum zur Verfügung, dessen Boni mit etwas Mühe und Aufwand nacheinander freigeschaltet werden können. Insgesamt gibt es in dem Baum 26 simple Effekte mit der Bezeichnung Siegel und drei am Ende positionierte legendäre Trank-Kräfte. Diese Talente haben eine Reihe von nützlichen Vorteilen für die Spieler. Dazu gehören beispielsweise ein Bonus auf den verursachten Schaden, eine Erhöhung der gefundenen Beute oder das automatische Aufheben/Zerlegen von gewöhnlicher Beute.

Sobald Spieler das erste Siegel im Baum aktiviert haben, können sie die Reihenfolge ihrer nächsten Schritte scheinbar frei festlegen. Auf diese Weise dürfen sie die Talente zuerst erlangen, die am besten zu ihrer Spielweise passen. Freigeschaltete Talente sind für alle saisonalen Charaktere auf einem Account aktiv und sie gelten für die gesamte Laufzeit von Saison 28. Wer also mehrere Helden spielt, der muss das Ganze nicht erneut erlangen. Dieser Umstand ist auf jeden Fall praktisch.

Was die Freischaltung der Talente betrifft, so dreht sich das Ganze immer um das Opfern von bestimmten Objekten. Wer ein Talent freischalten möchte, der muss die aufgelistete Anzahl von Gegenständen einreichen. Die Menge der benötigten Opfergaben steigt mit jedem erlangten Effekt immer weiter und die späteren Talente erfordern ziemlich viel Aufwand. Zu den verlangten Ressourcen gehören unter anderem Blutsplitter, Schlüssel für Portale oder auch gewisse Set-Teile des eigenen Helden.

Wenn ein Spieler alle Effekte in dem Altar freigeschaltet hat, dann liefert die Saison ihm noch einmal eine spezielle Belohnung. Dabei handelt es sich um die rein kosmetischen Wings of Terror, die der eigene Held dann auswählen und als Vorlage verwenden darf. Dabei handelt es sich um mehrere aus dem Rücken eines Helden wachsende Hörner, die von den Designern mit einem netten Feuereffekt ausgestattet wurden.

Was die restlichen Auswirkungen von Saison 28 betrifft, so möchten die Entwickler es einfach machen an archaische Asche zu kommen. Spieler erhalten dann immer 55 Einheiten dieser Ressource, wenn sie einen archaischen Gegenstand zerlegen lassen. Zusätzlich dazu erhält Kanais Würfel ein neues Rezept, welches 100 Asche und einen legendären Gegenstand zu einem archaischen Gegenstand macht. Weitere Inhalte aus diesem Update sind größere Anpassungen an dem Mönch und die üblichen Balanceänderungen an den legendären Gegenständen des Spiels. Genauere Informationen findet ihr in den folgenden Patchnotes.


Diablo III PTR 2.7.5 | Preview

Season 28: Rites of Sanctuary

For Season 28, Rites of Sanctuary, we’re travelling deep into the mysterious ruins of the Festering Woods. Amid a hunting expedition, citizens hailing from New Tristram stumbled across an ominous Altar carved from an archaic material bearing cryptic markings. Shaken to their core by the eldritch aroma of the monolith, they’ve enlisted the assistance of brave Nephalem willing to investigate this sinister discovery that was once left to time—the Altar of Rites.

Home to power thought to be extinct from Sanctuary, the Altar of Rites will bestow these mystic forces upon worthy Nephalem. . .after a sacrifice is offered.

Upon arrival at the Altar of Rites, players will see 26 icons called Seals and three Legendary Potion Powers. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the elements below.

Seal and Legendary Potion Powers

Seal Power
A Your Kill Streak timer duration and reward bonus are doubled.
B Pools of Reflection last for the entire Season and are not removed by death.
C Items have no level requirement.
D +200 Damage
E +25% Missile Damage Reduction
F +25% Movement Speed (Uncapped)
G Increase damage against elites by 15%.
H Picking up Health Globes grants a shield for 5% of your maximum health for 7 seconds. Max stacks 5.
I +25% Melee Damage Reduction.
J Increases your highest elemental skill damage bonus by 10%.
K Increase damage against elites by 20%.
L +10% Damage
M Double the amount of Death’s Breaths that drop.
N Critical hits grant resource: Mana: 15, Hatred: 5, Wrath: 5, Arcane Power: 3, Fury: 3, Spirit: 5, Essence: 5.
O Double the amount of Bounty Caches that drop from completing bounties.
P Progress orbs from Nephalem and Greater Rifts are picked up automatically.
Q Reduces the damage taken from elites by 25%.
R +15% Damage
S Gain immunity to crowd-controlling effects.
T Gain passability.
U Pets pick up Death’s Breath.
V Elite packs drop one additional progress orb.
W Increase damage done to Bosses by 25%.
X Pets pick up and salvage common, magic, and rare items.
Y Increase your chance to Dodge by 15%.
Z Double the chance to find a legendary item purchased from Kadala.
Potion AA When you drink your health potion, you manifest one of three runic circles on the ground that grant increased damage, increased cooldown reduction, or increased resource cost reduction.
Potion AB When you drink your health potion, all enemies within 25 yards deal 25% less damage.
Potion AC When you drink your health potion, gain a random shrine or pylon effect.
AD When a primal item drops, a second random primal item drops as well.

How Seals and Potions Work

As you can see, after unlocking the first Seal, the order in which you unlock additional Seals and obtain their powers is entirely up to you and which powers align with your character’s build the most. Once a Seal or Legendary Potion Power is unlocked, you’ll immediately receive that Seal or Potion’s power and will have the ability to unlock connected Seals or Potions once you have the required materials—unlocked powers apply to all your characters and last for the entirety of Season 28.

How to Unlock Seals and Potions

Unlocking Seals and Potions will be no easy feat, especially after multiple sacrifices—you’ll find yourself rummaging across Sanctuary slaying scores of demons hellbent on preventing you from acquiring the Altar of Rites’ full power.

Players must gather materials listed in the Altar of Rites menu and sacrifice them in order to gain a Seal or Potion’s power. In addition to receiving the power after unlocking, you’ll notice the generic text previously displayed has been swapped with a small story scrap about Sanctuary’s tumultuous past.

Regardless of the order in which you unlock Seals and Potions, the cost will increase as shown below. Study the cost of each sacrifice and theorize where within Sanctuary you can find some of these rare materials.

Costs to Unlock a Seal or Legendary Potion Power

# Cost
1 10 Reusable Parts
2 1 Flawless Diamond (or greater), 15 Arcane Dust, 20 Resuable Parts
3 1 Greater Rift Key, 10 Death’s Breaths
4 Any Class Specific Set Helm
5 20 Forgotten Souls, 10 Khanduran Runes, 10 Caldeum Nightshade, 10 Arreat War Tapestry, 10 Corrupted Angel Flesh, 10 Westmarch Holy Water
6 1 Leoric’s Regret, 1 Vial of Putridness, 1 Idol of Terror, 1 Heart of Fright
7 Reaper’s Wraps
8 30 Forgotten Souls
9 1,100 Bloodshards
10 1 Flawless Royal Ruby, 20 Death’s Breaths, Ring of Royal Grandeur
11 1 Flawless Royal Emerald, 30 Khanduran Runes, 30 Caldeum Nightshade, 30 Arreat War Tapestry, 30 Corrupted Angel Flesh, 30 Westmarch Holy Water
12 20 Greater Rift Keys, 1 Ramaladni’s Gift
13 1,300 Bloodshards
14 Petrified Scream
15 Challenge Rift Cache
16 250 Forgotten Souls
17 1,400 Bloodshards
18 Ancient Hellfire Amulet
19 Never Ending Questions
20 Ancient Puzzle Ring, 50 Khanduran Runes, 50 Caldeum Nightshade, 50 Arreat War Tapestry, 50 Corrupted Angel Flesh, 50 Westmarch Holy Water
21 500 Death’s Breaths, 300 Forgotten Souls
22 1,500 Bloodshards
23 Whisper of Atonement Rank 125
24 Any Augmented Weapon
25 Staff of Herding
26 1,600 Bloodshards
Potion 1 55 Primordial Ashes
Potion 2 110 Primordial Ashes
Potion 3 165 Primordial Ashes

Uncover an Ancient Legend—Unlock All Seals

After you’ve conquered the armies of Hell and acquired the needed materials to unlock all Seals and Potions, you’ll receive a reward truly fitting of an unstoppable force—the Wings of Terror Cosmetic. We recommend you unlock all Seals and Potions within the Altar of Rites, not only to inspire terror within your foes, but also to piece together the fragments of Sanctuary’s past.

Primordial Ashes Feature

Acquiring enough Primordial Ashes to offer to the Altar of Rites is no small task. That’s why we are adding a new Primordial Ashes feature with this patch to aid in your quest.

At the Blacksmith, you can now salvage a Primal Item for 55 Primordial Ashes. We have also added a Primal Item recipe to Kanai’s Cube—it will cost 100 Primordial Ashes and any non-crafted Legendary Item.

Monk Skill Changes


  • Combination Strike Passive Skill:
    • Each different Spirit Generator you use increases your damage by 10% for three seconds.
    • Each Spirit Generator you use increases the damage of your other Spirit Generators by 100% for 10 seconds.
  • Crippling Wave Skill:
    • Every third hit also dazes enemies within 11 yards, slowing their movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 20% for three seconds.
    • Every third hit also dazes enemies within 11 yards, slowing their movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 20% for 10 seconds.
      • Concussion Rune: Enemies hit by Crippling Wave deal 20% less damage for three 10 seconds.
      • Breaking Wave Rune: Enemies hit by Crippling Wave take 10% additional damage from all attacks for three 10 seconds.
  • Deadly Reach Skill:
    • Foresight Rune: Every third hit also increases the damage of all your stacks by 15% for five seconds.
    • Foresight Rune: Every enemy hit with the third hit increases your damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
  • Way of the Hundred Fists:
    • Assimilation Rune: Each enemy hit with the third hit increases your damage by 5% for five seconds.
    • Assimilation Rune: Each enemy hit with the third hit increases your damage by 5% for 10 seconds.

Item Changes


  • Horde of the Ninety Savages (6-piece bonus):
    • Frenzy deals 1,000% increased damage per stack.
    • Frenzy deals 2,000% increased damage per stack.

Demon Hunter

  • Chanon Bolter:
    • Spike Traps lure enemies to them. Enemies may be taunted once every 12-16 seconds.
    • Your Spike Traps lure enemies to them and deal 150-200% increased damage. Enemies may be taunted once every 10 seconds.
  • The Demon’s Demise:
    • The blast from Spike Trap will damage all enemies again after one second.
    • Each blast from Spike Trap will damage all enemies again after 1 second and deals 150-200% increased damage.
  • Natalya’s Slayer:
    • Increases Rain of Vengeance Damage by 20-25%.
    • Increases Spike Trap Damage by 10 -15%.
  • Natalya’s Vengeance (2-piece bonus):
    • Reduce the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by 4 seconds when you hit with a Hatred-generating attack or Hatred-spending attack.
    • Hitting an enemy summons a Spike Trap if it is on your action bar. Each Spike Trap detonation restores 1 Discipline.
  • Natalya’s Vengeance (4-piece bonus):
    • Rain of Vengeance deals 100% increased damage.
    • Laying a Spike Trap grants 60% damage reduction. The duration of this bonus is always equal to the number of already laid traps in seconds.
  • Natalya’s Vengeance (6-piece bonus):
    • After casting Rain of Vengeance, deal 14,000% increased damage and take 60% reduced damage for 10 seconds.
    • Spike Traps deal 10,000% increased damage, and each consecutive blast from the detonation chain reaction will deal 10% more damage than the previous blast.
  • Trag’oul Coils:
    • Spike Traps gain the Impaling Spines Rune and are deployed twice as fast.
    • Spike Traps gain the Scatter Rune, are deployed twice as fast, and deal 150-200% increased damage.
  • Unhallowed Essence (6-piece bonus):
    • Hatred generators, Vengeance attacks, and Multishot deal 350% increased damage per point of Discipline the Demon Hunter currently has.
    • Hatred generators, Vengeance attacks, and Multishot deal 1700% increased damage per point of discipline the Demon Hunter currently has.


  • Patterns of Justice (6-piece bonus):
    • Hitting with Tempest Rush while Sweeping Wind is active increases the size of Sweeping Wind as well and increases all damage delt by 15,000%.
    • Hitting with Tempest Rush while Sweeping Wind is active increases the size of Sweeping Wind as well and increases all damage dealt by 20,000.
  • Raiment of Thousand Storms (4-piece bonus):
    • Dashing Strike spends 75 Spirit but refunds a Charge when it does.
    • Dashing Strike spends 25 Spirit but refunds a Charge when it does.


  • Masquerade of the Burning Carnival (6-piece bonus):
    • Bone Spear deals 6,000% increased damage
    • Bone Spear deals 9,000% increased damage. Simulacrums gain triple this bonus.


  • The Typhon’s Veil (6-piece-bonus):

    • Hydras deal 2,000% increased damage for each Hydra head alive.

    • Hydras deal 4,000% increased damage for each Hydra head alive.





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