Im Verlauf der vergangenen Tage sind einige interessante neue Ger\u00fcchte rund um die Pl\u00e4ne von Disney f\u00fcr zuk\u00fcnftige Kinofilme im Netz gelandet. Laut diesen Ger\u00fcchten plant Disney wohl derzeit die Produktion einer Filmadaption der beliebten Kingdom Hearts Reihe an Computerspielen. Diese Information stammt wohl von der Seite The Disinsider<\/a>, die sich dabei auf interne Quellen bei Disney beruft.<\/p>\n
Well, to get one thing out the way, Disney is developing an animated Kingdom Hearts<\/em> movie. While years back I had heard the idea was to do something on Disney+, more recently I have heard the goal would be big screen adaptation, but as of now, these are just rumblings and nothing has been greenlit. Disney may have more of an interest on actual gaming instead of developing movies based on video games\u2026 Prince of Persia<\/em> and Need For Speed<\/em> were both duds for Disney. (via<\/a>)<\/p><\/blockquote>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"