{"id":106859,"date":"2024-07-03T08:24:20","date_gmt":"2024-07-03T06:24:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/stevinho.justnetwork.eu\/?p=106859"},"modified":"2024-07-03T08:25:06","modified_gmt":"2024-07-03T06:25:06","slug":"tww-schamanen-erhalten-ein-umfangreiches-rework","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/stevinho.justnetwork.eu\/2024\/07\/03\/tww-schamanen-erhalten-ein-umfangreiches-rework\/","title":{"rendered":"TWW: Die Schamanen erhalten ein umfangreiches Rework"},"content":{"rendered":"

Die Fans des in WoW vorhandenen Schamanen waren im Verlauf von Dragonflight<\/span> nicht wirklich zufrieden damit, wie sich die drei Spezialisierungen dieser Klasse gespielt haben. Ein gro\u00dfer Kritikpunkt war dabei dann der Aufbau des Talentbaums, der zu viele Pflicht-Talente beinhaltete und keine Optionen lieferte. Um diese Klasse zu verbessern, m\u00f6chten die Entwickler mit TWW ein umfangreiches Rework<\/span> am Schamanen durchf\u00fchren und viele Elemente \u00fcberarbeiten. Die genauen Ziele f\u00fcr die Klasse in TWW wurden gestern in einem Bluepost<\/span> enth\u00fcllt.<\/p>\n

Die vermutlich wichtigste \u00c4nderung am Schamanen betrifft das n\u00fctzliche Windfury-Totem<\/span> von Verst\u00e4rkern. Dieses Totem wird mit TWW entfernt und durch den neuen Skyfury-Buff<\/span> ersetzt, der allen Spezialisierungen zur Verf\u00fcgung steht. Dieser neue Effekt kombiniert den Windfury-Effekt<\/span> f\u00fcr zus\u00e4tzliche Nahkampfangriffe mit einem kleinen Bonus auf die Meisterschaft von allen betroffenen Spielern. Gleichzeitig wird der Buff<\/span> endlich zu einem raidweiten<\/span> St\u00e4rkungszauber, sodass Raidleiter<\/span> ihre Gruppen nicht mehr an Schamanen ausrichten m\u00fcssen.<\/p>\n

Was die drei Spezialisierungen betrifft, so wollen die Entwickler haupts\u00e4chlich auf die Kritik von Spielern eingehen. Talentb\u00e4ume werden f\u00fcr Heiler und Elementar-Schamanen auf eine Weise angepasst, die mehr Optionen bei der Spielweise liefert und weniger Pflicht-Talente beinhaltet. Verst\u00e4rker befinden sich in einer etwas besseren Position, weshalb diese Spielweise nicht ganz so stark \u00fcberarbeitet wird.<\/p>\n

Genauere Details zu diesem durchaus wichtigen Rework<\/span> findet ihr in dem folgenden Bluepost<\/span>.<\/p>\n

\u00a0Greetings Shamans!<\/span><\/p>\n

Earlier today, we unfortunately deployed a small part of our Shaman update to the Beta. This may have put the class into a bad state for testing, but that will only be the case for the next day or so. We have significant updates to the Shaman talent trees coming in tomorrow\u2019s new Beta build.<\/span><\/p>\n

First, we\u2019d like to outline our philosophy and goals for these changes. We\u2019ll start by addressing the new Shaman raid buff: Skyfury, and then go over each of the tree updates individually.<\/span><\/p>\n


Throughout Dragonflight and The War Within\u2019s development, the topic of raid buffs has been actively discussed and we\u2019ve come to the decision to add a new raid buff to the Shaman class. Our goal with this buff is for it to fully replace the Windfury Totem buff previously brought by Enhancement Shamans and grant Elemental and Restoration access to a raid buff to encourage their value in raids.<\/span><\/p>\n

Skyfury incorporates the previous effect Windfury Totem had of activating additional auto-attack swings with a small Mastery buff. Players may also note that this is lifting the party-wide restriction previously in place on Windfury Totem\u2019s effect and turning it into a guaranteed raid-wide effect.<\/span><\/p>\n

<\/a>Class Tree<\/span><\/h3>\n

For the Shaman class tree, we\u2019ve reduced the node count of defense and throughput nodes to allow most of the decision making in this tree to focus on picking up different pieces of utility. There will also be some new toys to help with group utility and personal survivability.<\/span><\/p>\n

Pathing has been improved in a variety of ways and the previously potentially restrictive locations of Gust of Wind \/ Spirit Walk and Earth Shield have been changed to be easier to pick up. We feel this frees up points for more compelling decisions elsewhere without having to compromise movement or defensiveness to such a large degree.<\/span><\/p>\n


Elemental\u2019s updates focused on scaling their proc rates to be more consistent between AoE and single target situations, allowing for things such as Lava Burst to have more of an impact on their rotation and improving their talent tree layout to allow for more diverse builds and variety.<\/span><\/p>\n

We want to empower Elemental Shamans to be able to specialize as lightning focused, lava focused, or weaving between all the elements and have distinct builds within each of these options to allow for impactful choices to determine damage profiles.<\/span><\/p>\n


Our Restoration Shaman updates condensed the availability of damage focused nodes in the specialization tree to free up more points to decide on healing profiles and moving core nodes such as Ascendance and Tidebringer into more available locations. We want Restoration Shamans to feel they have multiple compelling options to reach the heavily desirable nodes on their tree.<\/span><\/p>\n

We\u2019ve also focused on increasing the effectiveness of a few core Restoration Shaman spells we feel have fallen behind. The two most notable spells here are Healing Surge and Spirit Link Totem. In Healing Surge\u2019s case players will notice more bonuses to this spell to allow players who are looking to utilize this spell more effectively and for Spirit Link, we are returning the Spouting Spirits azerite trait with a twist of splash healing to make it strong in any group content. Healing Rain is also seeing new bonuses focused on increasing its effectiveness.<\/span><\/p>\n


For Enhancement, we\u2019ve generally been pleased with the state and talent diversity of their specialization tree, so we\u2019re approaching it with a lighter touch. We focused on baselining a few of their core spells and utility within their specialization tree to allow for more optionality in both the Core and Spec trees.<\/span><\/p>\n

<\/a>Patch Notes<\/span><\/h3>\n

Class Tree<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n