Das w\u00e4re der dritte Star Wars Battlefront Teil geworden. Mal sehen, ob das Next Gen Star Wars Battlefront genauso nah an die alten Battlefront Teile rankommt. Geiler Gameplay Trailer in mieser Quali, vom nie erscheinenden Star Wars: Battlefront 3.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n
…schreibt Community-Mitglied Dominik<\/strong>. Hier die entsprechende Videobeschreibung dazu:<\/p>\n
This video shows leaked alpha footage of Star Wars: Battlefront III, which was to have been the third video game in the Star Wars: Battlefront series. Although LucasArts never announced the game, Free Radical Design developed the game from 2006 until 2008. The video gives you an example of how vast the battles would have been: all the Republic’s Cruisers you see on the video are piloted by full crews of real players.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n