{"id":77321,"date":"2020-05-21T03:07:12","date_gmt":"2020-05-21T01:07:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/stevinho.justnetwork.eu\/?p=77321"},"modified":"2020-05-21T03:16:34","modified_gmt":"2020-05-21T01:16:34","slug":"das-neueste-twitch-drama-pures-internet-gold-mit-ferociouslysteph","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/stevinho.justnetwork.eu\/2020\/05\/21\/das-neueste-twitch-drama-pures-internet-gold-mit-ferociouslysteph\/","title":{"rendered":"Das neueste Twitch-Drama: Pures Internet-Gold mit FerociouslySteph"},"content":{"rendered":"

Falls Ihr den neuesten Twitch-Shitstorm verpasst habt, m\u00f6chte ich Euch bitten, Euch Popcorn zu holen, Euch zur\u00fcckzulehnen und Euch diese St\u00fcck Internet-Gold einzuverleiben…<\/p>\n

Twitch hat den sogenannten Twitch-Council<\/a> gegr\u00fcndet, um quasi „die Community und die Streamer“ zu repr\u00e4sentieren und ihnen dadurch mehr Mitspracherecht zu geben. So ungef\u00e4hr war es wohl gedacht…<\/p>\n

Today, we\u2019re excited to announce the formation of the Twitch Safety Advisory Council, which will support the growth of our community moving forward. <\/p>\n

The Safety Advisory Council will inform and guide decisions made at Twitch by contributing their experience, expertise, and belief in Twitch\u2019s mission of empowering communities to create together. The Council will advise on a number of topics including:<\/p>\n

Drafting new policies and policy updates
\nDeveloping products and features to improve safety and moderation
\nPromoting healthy streaming and work-life balance habits
\nProtecting the interests of marginalized groups
\nIdentifying emerging trends that could impact the Twitch experience <\/p><\/blockquote>\n