In der Nacht von gestern auf heute haben die f\u00fcr Diablo 2 Resurrected zust\u00e4ndigen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment einen interessanten neuen Bluepost in den Foren ver\u00f6ffentlicht, der sich mit der Entwicklung dieses Remasters und einigen nach der Beta getroffenen Entscheidungen besch\u00e4ftigt. Dabei \u00e4u\u00dfern sich die Entwickler unter anderem zu einem Chat auf Konsolen, dem entfernten TCP \/ IP Support und der Verwendung von UltraWide Monitoren zum Spielen des Titels. Wer keine Lust hat den kompletten Bluepost zu lesen, der findet folgend eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Informationen.<\/p>\n
Konsolen: Lobbies und ein Chat:<\/strong><\/p>\n
In dem Remaster von Diablo 2 wollten die Entwickler daf\u00fcr sorgen, dass die Spieler auf Konsolen sich nicht auf Lobbies etc. verlassen m\u00fcssen. Sie k\u00f6nnen ihre Freunde direkt in laufende Partien einladen oder die Gruppensuche daf\u00fcr nutzen, um passende Partien f\u00fcr ihre Absichten zu finden. Auch wenn dieses Feature im Grunde korrekt funktioniert, so haben viele Spieler aber erw\u00e4hnt, dass das Finden von gew\u00fcnschten Gruppen nicht unbedingt einfach ist und es zu viele Einschr\u00e4nkungen\/ zu wenig Optionen gibt.<\/p>\n
Um das Finden von passenden Partien zu erleichtern, haben die Entwickler mehr Tabs zu der Gruppensuche hinzugef\u00fcgt. Spieler k\u00f6nnen jetzt neben bestimmten Quests auch noch Gruppen f\u00fcr einzelnen Zonen des Spiels oder Bosse suchen. Zus\u00e4tzlich dazu gibt es nun Filter f\u00fcr das Pandemonium Event, das Uber Diablo Event und PvP. Ansonsten denkt das Team auch weiterhin \u00fcber eigene benutzerdefinierte Lobbies nach. Diese Funktion k\u00f6nnte nach dem Launch des Spiels kommen, wenn sie notwendig ist oder das Feedback der Spieler eindeutig daf\u00fcr spricht.<\/p>\n
Das Spiel soll den Spielern auf jeder Plattform die beste Erfahrung bieten. Auf Konsolen ist der eingebaute Voice-Chat die beste M\u00f6glichkeit zum Kommunizieren mit anderen Personen. Dieser Umstand soll sich erst einmal nicht \u00e4ndern. Das Team m\u00f6chte aber das Feedback der Spieler \u00fcberwachen und notwendige Anpassungen durchf\u00fchren. Ein richtiger Chat zum Schreiben k\u00f6nnte also noch kommen.<\/p>\n
TCP \/ IP Support:<\/strong><\/p>\n
Diese Funktion wurde nach der Alpha entfernt, weil sie ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellte und einige extrem problematische Exploits erlaubte. Den Entwicklern ist bewusst, dass die Deaktivierung dieser Funktion das Erstellen von Mods erschwert und Modder einschr\u00e4nkt. Da Spieler aber weiterhin Mods in der einen oder anderen Form erstellen k\u00f6nnen, stufen die Entwickler diesen Tausch als notwendig ein.<\/p>\n
Probleme mit UltraWide Monitoren:<\/strong><\/p>\n
In der Alpha durften die Spieler ihre UltraWide<\/span> Monitore komplett ausnutzen. Dieser Umstand hat den Entwicklern gezeigt, dass das Ganze mit einem enormen Problem verbunden ist. Durch diese Monitore erhalten die Spieler n\u00e4mlich eine Sichtweite, die von dem urspr\u00fcnglichen Titel nicht in Betracht gezogen wurde. Die Spieler sehen dadurch dann nicht nur mehr als ihre Mitspieler, sondern sie k\u00f6nnen auch Monster angreifen, die die Spieler aufgrund der Distanz nicht bemerken und nicht auf den eingehenden Schaden reagieren. Solch ein Vorteil ist nat\u00fcrlich nicht beabsichtigt.<\/p>\n
Nach dem Launch des Spiels wird das Sichtfeld f\u00fcr alle Spieler auf ein Maximum von 19:9 beschr\u00e4nkt sein. Wer einen breiteren Monitor verwendet, der muss mit Balken am Rand seines Sichtfelds zurechtkommen. Diese Einstellung ist die maximale Reichweite f\u00fcr Reaktionen von Monstern, weshalb die Entwickler das Ganze auf diesen Wert limitieren m\u00fcssen. Da das Spielen mit schwarzen Balken aber etwas l\u00e4stig sein kann, m\u00f6chte das Team weiterhin nach alternativen L\u00f6sungen suchen.<\/p>\n
Hi all,<\/span><\/p>\n
When making games, there are certain realities development teams need to face when confronted with dilemmas that impose on the gameplay experience. For this remaster, two of our core principles are protecting the authenticity of the original Diablo II experience and making it more accessible in this modern age. Our goal is to honor this timeless classic while also opening it to a new generation of players. So, keeping that in mind, as we approach the launch of Diablo II: Resurrected, we wanted to take this opportunity to share some insight on a handful of in-game features we revisited following the Technical Alpha and Beta events.<\/span><\/p>\n
During the Early Access Beta, we identified and fixed a bug preventing console players from grouping up in multiplayer. As we progressed, this system was working as intended for the Open Beta during our testing; and when we modernized the Diablo II experience for the console, we designed the game so players didn\u2019t have to rely on lobbies to play with others. Instead, players can invite their friends into their game directly or utilize the Party Finder to join up alongside other players with similar objectives. With that said, over the past couple of weeks, we have seen many discussions and expressed concern over the difficulty of joining the appropriate games based on a player\u2019s current activities. In Beta, finding other parties on console was confined to a few conditions. For example, if the player was on an identical quest as you, with a similar character level and the same difficulty, you could join into that other player\u2019s multiplayer session.<\/span><\/p>\n
For modes such as PvP or the Cow Level, console lobbies don\u2019t propagate until you hit a few minimum requirements. For PvP, players need to reach level 9. For the Cow Level, players need to complete that challenge on their own front first. For these two modes, once those conditions have been met, console lobbies of those activities will become visible for those players. There is also a Free Roam option players can opt into if no quest is selected. There is no quest restriction, but players that share similar levels and identical difficulty will be able to share a multiplayer session. A lobby is automatically converted to Free Roam once a player\u2019s character completes the initial quest that a lobby started as in that multiplayer session.<\/span><\/p>\n
Following our Beta, we\u2019ve seen many console players requesting more options to better navigate activities in multiplayer. We\u2019ve added Bosses and Zones tabs to the Party Finder, so players can better coordinate on that front, alongside the Pandemonium event, Uber Diablo event, and PvP\/Dueling. Some console players have also requested the option to create custom lobbies. That is not a feature we\u2019re supporting at launch, but as we progress, we\u2019ll continue to monitor feedback on this topic after the launch of Diablo II: Resurrected.<\/span><\/p>\n
Shown below is a breakdown of additional parameters players will be able to sort by in the Party Finder at launch beyond the quest options that were present during Beta:<\/span><\/em><\/p>\n
Boss Kills<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n
- Andariel: Requires Act 1 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- Duriel: Requires Act 2 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- Mephisto: Requires Act 3 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- Diablo: Requires Act 4 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- Baal: Requires Act 5 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- Cow King: Act 4 or Act 5 completion depending on Classic or Expansion character<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
- Free Roam: No requirement<\/span><\/li>\n
- Tristram: Requires nothing<\/span><\/li>\n
- Canyon of the Magi Tombs: Requires Act 1 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- Chaos Sanctuary: Requires Act 2 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- Pindleskin: Requires Act 4 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- Maggot Lair: Requires Act 1 completion<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
- Pandemonium Event: Act 5 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- Uber Diablo: Act 5 completion<\/span><\/li>\n
- PVP\/Dueling: Requires level 9<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/blockquote>\n
Lastly, we\u2019ve seen a lot of discussion surrounding the Chat functionality on console. We designed the game to be the best experience on each platform you play, for console, the primary way for players to communicate is through native voice chat on their platform. So, we\u2019re not making any changes on that front, but we\u2019ll continue to monitor that feedback to see if it remains a prevalent area of concern for our players. If so, we\u2019ll explore making changes or adding more functionality to the in-game chat system post-launch.<\/span><\/p>\n
TCP \/ IP Support<\/span><\/h2>\n
We initially announced the removal of TCP \/ IP support in our Beta blog, noting that this functionality would not be present in the Beta or in the final game. We want to take this time to share our insight on why we removed this feature. Following the Technical Alpha, we learned that this functionality was enabling significant security-related issues to our game. We\u2019re aware that removing this feature adds a large hurdle for talented multiplayer modders in our community. Still, our priority is to keep this game\u2019s ecosystem as secure as possible for all of our players.<\/span><\/p>\n
Despite this change, a form of modding will still be possible. Players will have the ability to modify specific files which include adjusting values of skills, items, and more. However, keep in mind the Classic client of Diablo II will still exist and that is not going away. Multiplayer mods will still be able to exist and thrive on that platform by our community there.<\/span><\/p>\n
Ultrawide Support Changes<\/span><\/h2>\n
Ultrawide monitor support being modified was a subject we saw heavily discussed across our channels following the Beta. In the Technical Alpha, players with Ultrawide hardware saw their full 21:9 screens utilized during that test. However, during that test we identified limitations affecting those players and others. For example, the AI failed to sense the player and trigger attacks. Furthermore, players with 21:9 monitors were able to pull many more monsters into battle at a range limit beyond the original game\u2019s intention. In a scenario where players (for example: playing a ranged class) were attacking monsters, players with 21:9 monitors could hit enemies with that extra screen space, but the monsters would not pull or react, but could still be defeated. Ultimately, the AI doesn\u2019t register getting hit from that additional distance a 21:9 monitor provides. That\u2019s not intended, especially if you\u2019re sharing a game with a 16:9 user. To protect the integrity of everyone\u2019s experience and promote an equal playing field for all, those with Ultrawide monitors will be able to have their game screen purview extended to 19:9 (the maximum length of the in-game limitation zones) with a vignette on the sides of the game screen. We recognize that players have spent a lot of money to assemble their 21:9 hardware setups and seeing black bars may be frustrating for their experience. So, we\u2019ll continue to watch these discussions and explore possible solutions that don\u2019t change how the game is played.<\/span><\/p>\n
To those of you who participated in the Beta event, we appreciate your time and feedback in making Diablo II: Resurrected a better experience for those at launch. Please stay tuned, as we will be standing up new dedicated forums for the Diablo II: Resurrected community to continue discussing the game and sharing their experiences. We are diligently working on getting everything ready for the September 23 release. We can\u2019t wait for everyone to get back to the Rogue Encampment to begin their quest east. Always to the east.<\/span><\/p>\n
\nDiablo Community Team<\/span><\/p>\n(via)<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"