{"id":95500,"date":"2022-08-17T14:59:23","date_gmt":"2022-08-17T12:59:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/stevinho.justnetwork.eu\/?p=95500"},"modified":"2022-08-17T14:59:23","modified_gmt":"2022-08-17T12:59:23","slug":"diablo-immortal-ein-mini-update-mit-neuen-inhalten-wurde-veroeffentlicht","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/stevinho.justnetwork.eu\/2022\/08\/17\/diablo-immortal-ein-mini-update-mit-neuen-inhalten-wurde-veroeffentlicht\/","title":{"rendered":"Diablo Immortal: Ein Mini-Update mit neuen Inhalten wurde ver\u00f6ffentlicht"},"content":{"rendered":"

We are back with another Mini Update offered up from the planes of Hell themselves! Previously, you walked the Adventurer\u2019s Path, embarked on a Hero\u2019s Journey, and began your transformation into an Aspect of Justice with the Season Three Battle Pass.<\/span> (via)<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Am heutigen Mittwoch, den 17. August 2022<\/span> fanden \u00fcber den Mittag wieder einmal Wartungsarbeiten in Diablo<\/span> Immortal<\/span> statt. Die Entwickler haben diese Zeit daf\u00fcr genutzt, um ein bereits gestern Abend angek\u00fcndigtes neues Mini-Update auf die Liveserver<\/span> aufzuspielen. W\u00e4hrend die meisten \u00c4nderungen aus dem Patch direkt verf\u00fcgbar sind, so wurden einige Inhalte aber auch mit sp\u00e4teren Terminen f\u00fcr ihre Aktivierung ausgestattet.<\/p>\n

Mit diesem Mini-Update haben die Entwickler mehrere Events in Diablo<\/span> Immortal<\/span> in das Spiel eingebaut, die in der nahen Zukunft starten sollen. Dazu kommen noch ein neues kosmetisches R\u00fcstungsset, die M\u00f6glichkeit den Essenztranfers<\/span> mit der durch den Klassenwechsel erhaltenen Ausr\u00fcstung durchzuf\u00fchren, eine Reihe von notwendigen Fehlerbehebungen, Verbesserungen an Schatzgoblins<\/span> und einige Anpassungen am PvP<\/span>. Des Weiteren brachte der Patch insgesamt 36 brandneue legend\u00e4re Gegenst\u00e4nde mit sich.<\/p>\n

Zus\u00e4tzlich dazu haben die Entwickler mit dem Update ein wenig daran geschraubt, wie viele Spieler f\u00fcr eine Instanz auf einer hohen Schwierigkeit notwendig sind. Seit dem Update k\u00f6nnen die Spieler die Dungeons auf H\u00f6lle 2 oder h\u00f6her jetzt entweder mit 2 Helden, mit 3 Helden oder mit 4 Helden angehen. Die Skalierung der Instanzen wird aber selbst mit einer kleinen Gruppe immer auf der Anwesenheit von vier Spielern liegen. Des Weiteren gibt es eine Bonus-Truhe, wenn man einen Dungeons mit vier Spielern abschlie\u00dft. Eine volle Gruppe hat also Vorteile, aber sie ist nicht mehr eine unbedingte Notwendigkeit.<\/p>\n

Was die Events f\u00fcr das Spiel betrifft, so brachte das Update insgesamt vier Ereignisse dieser Art mit sich. Das interessanteste Event ist vermutlich „<\/span>Fractured<\/span> Plane„<\/span>. In diesem Modus starten die Spieler ohne ihre Ausr\u00fcstung und ihre \u00fcblichen Skill und sie m\u00fcssen sich durch insgesamt 15 Level k\u00e4mpfen. Sie starten mit einer Reihe von zuf\u00e4lligen F\u00e4higkeiten und unterwegs finden sie gelegentlich tempor\u00e4re Gegenst\u00e4nde mit n\u00fctzlichen Effekten. Das Ganze erinnert stark an klassische Rogue-Like-Spiele<\/span> und es sollte f\u00fcr viel Abwechslung sorgen.<\/p>\n

Wer alle Inhalte des Updates betrachtet, der merkt vermutlich, dass dieses „Mini-Update“<\/span> nicht unbedingt klein ausf\u00e4llt. Der Patch bringt trotz seiner Einstufung eine Reihe von Neuerungen und Anpassungen mit sich. Dieser Umstand ist nat\u00fcrlich auch schon den Spielern von Diablo<\/span> Immortal<\/span> aufgefallen und die Community scherzt aktuell dar\u00fcber, wie gro\u00df dann wohl erst ein „<\/span>richtiger Patch„<\/span> ausfallen wird. Vermutlich h\u00e4ngt der Umfang dieses Mini-Updates in diesem Fall einfach damit zusammen, wie viel Content die Entwickler fertiggestellt hatten. Spieler sollten nicht immer so gro\u00dfe Auswirkungen von einem Mini-Update erwarten.<\/p>\n

Die Patchnotes zu dem Update:<\/h2>\n

Fractured Plane Limited Time-Event<\/span><\/h2>\n

\"\"<\/a>In a place like Sanctuary, even those with the utmost mental fortitude can find themselves lost to the unrelenting darkness spread by the Burning Hells. Broken. Shattered. Trapped in the deepest recesses of their mind\u2014entering the Fractured Plane<\/b> is the only way forward.<\/span><\/p>\n

The Fractured Plane is a new limited-time event where players enter an unexplored realm of their existence. A 15-floor gauntlet<\/b>, inhabited by the fiercest minions the Hells can throw your way awaits. Your journey in the Fractured Plane begins without your usual gear, gems, and skills<\/b>. Instead, you will be provided with a set of pre-selected skills for your class. To advance, you must rely solely on your wits, unstable gear you find, and the Chaos Coins you receive from progressing through hordes of demons. Best of all, only unstable gear of Legendary rarity will drop in the Fractured Plane, and items you receive will complement the skills you begin with, equipping you with the ability to make, and tweak, your build on the fly. When your journey in the Fractured Plane is over, all the unstable gear you\u2019ve collected will vanish.<\/span><\/p>\n

The Chaos Coins you earn will also come to your aid\u2014spent at the Chaos Broker, you can exchange Chaos Coins for new items or Shards of Fortune. These shards will increase your Fortune Rating, providing a greater chance of receiving higher-quality Legendary items from chests on each floor. If you\u2019re resourceful enough to make it to the fifteenth floor without dying more than five times, you\u2019ll receive a reward. Out of all the Legendary items you\u2019ve encountered during your run, select six, and out of those six, you will be rewarded one at random for you to carry out of the Fractured Plane.<\/span><\/p>\n

Developer\u2019s Note: <\/strong>The Fractured Plane limited-time event was created to invite players to try new skills and Legendary items that they might not typically use, while offering a nuanced, but challenging, way to play Immortal. We wanted to provide players with an opportunity to start from scratch to see how well they can play their class no matter the circumstances.<\/em><\/u><\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>\n


<\/a>Echo of the Immortal<\/span><\/h2>\n

\"\"<\/a>Whispers of an impending clash between the guileful Shadows and the exemplary Immortal have flooded Westmarch. From back-alley conversations, to passing exchanges across Rakkis Plaza, the known might of the Immortal echoes throughout the city, but can the Shadows usurp power? From August 17 at 3:00 a.m.\u2013September 14 at 3:00 a.m. server time, Echo of the Immortal<\/b>\u2014a limited-time, repeatable game mode, will be available for players who are at least Level 40 to showcase their PvP prowess in a Challenge of the Immortal-style battle.<\/span><\/p>\n

In Echo of the Immortal, 15 players will face-off against one randomly chosen player who is imbued with the power of the Immortal. If the group of players are victorious in besting the Immortal, the match becomes a free-for-all\u2014only the best-of-the-best will claim the reward and bragging rights! To try your hand at Echo of the Immortal, speak to the Battleground Captain in Westmarch.<\/u><\/span><\/p>\n


<\/a>Into the Dark Wood Limited-Time Event<\/span><\/h2>\n

\"\"<\/a>There are few in Sanctuary capable enough to stand against the darkness and wager their life for the defenseless. But you, adventurer, have consigned your days to thinning out the ranks of the Burning Hells, ushering in safety where all hope was once lost. The downtrodden look up to you, and to continue serving them, you must travel into the unknown, Into the Dark Wood<\/b>.<\/span><\/p>\n

From August 17 at 3:00 a.m.\u2013August 31 at 3:00 a.m. server time<\/b>, as you complete daily Into the Dark Wood tasks, you\u2019ll receive various types of rewards for your heroics. Racking up enough completed tasks will also unlock milestone rewards for you, such as the festive Wreath of Blood Portrait Frame<\/b>.<\/u><\/span><\/p>\n


<\/a>Hungering Moon<\/span><\/h2>\n

\"\"<\/a>The moon’s insatiable hunger persists, and it demands more blood. . . perhaps even yours! Gaze upon the moon\u2014bask in its hallowed glow, heed its howl for sustenance, and lunar-laced blessings you shall be bestowed. Fulfilling the moon\u2019s demands will earn you\u202fMoonslivers, which can be traded for\u202fBlessings. After acquiring seven Blessings you will have curried enough goodwill with the moon to trade these in for a random reward. Offer enough blessings to the moon and it will even present you with its favor!<\/span><\/p>\n

We welcome brave adventurers to lend their hand in satiating the moon\u2019s hunger from August 26, 3:00 a.m.\u2013August 29, 3:00 a.m. server time<\/b>.<\/u><\/span><\/p>\n


<\/a>Spawn of Damnation Cosmetic Set<\/span><\/h2>\n

\"\"<\/a>Ancient tomes inscribed by the Horadric Order suggest armor can be forged from the flesh of demons. While assumed to be wholly protective and sturdy, there is uncertainty around the effect this might have on the wearer\u2019s mind. Will they too become another mindless Spawn of Damnation?<\/span><\/p>\n

It may not trick the demons of the Burning Hells, but this diabolical panoply still sends a message: their timely demise draws near. If you\u2019d like to don demonskin before your next skirmish, the Spawn of Damnation Cosmetic Set<\/b> can be purchased from the in-game shop.<\/u><\/span><\/p>\n


<\/a>Bug Fixes<\/span><\/h2>\n

Looking for the newest round of hotfixes and bug fixes implemented for Diablo Immortal? Check here<\/a> for all-platform fixes and our known issues blog<\/a> for PC-specific fixes.<\/span><\/p>\n

Thank you for keeping Sanctuary safe!<\/span>
\n-The Diablo Immortal Team<\/u><\/span><\/p>\n


<\/a>Feature Updates<\/span><\/h2>\n

Multiplayer Requirement in High Hell Difficulties Improvement<\/span><\/h4>\n