In den vergangenen Erweiterungen haben die Schlachtz\u00fcge und Dungeons von World of Warcraft alle die pers\u00f6nliche Beute als System f\u00fcr die Beuteverteilung verwendet. Dadurch hat das System entschieden, welche Spieler direkt Gegenst\u00e4nde von Bossen erhalten haben und niemand musste mehr um Beute w\u00fcrfeln. Auch wenn dieses System einige Vorteile mit sich bringt und vor Diebstahl sch\u00fctzt, so f\u00fchlte es sich aber nicht unbedingt toll an und es war besonders l\u00e4stig in Gruppen, die ihre Beute lieber gezielt verteilen wollen.<\/p>\n
Da Spieler sich deshalb schon seit Jahren eine Alternative zu der pers\u00f6nlichen Beute w\u00fcnschen, werden die Entwickler mit Dragonflight endlich von der reinen pers\u00f6nlichen Beute abweichen. Dieser Schritt wurde bereits vor einigen Wochen in einem Interview best\u00e4tigt. Gestern Abend folgte nun ein umfangreicher Bluepost zu diesem Thema, der sich mit den anstehenden Raidtests in der Beta besch\u00e4ftigt. Dieser Beitrag listet eine Reihe von wichtigen Informationen dar\u00fcber auf, wie die Verteilung von Beute in den Raids des kommenden Addons funktionieren k\u00f6nnte und wie die Tests ablaufen werden.<\/p>\n
Wichtig dabei ist allerdings, dass alle erw\u00e4hnten \u00c4nderungen erst einmal nur f\u00fcr die Raidtests in der Beta zutreffen. Alle diese Anpassungen sind Experimente<\/strong>, um zu schauen, wie sie sich auf das Spiel auswirken und wie sinnvoll sie sind. Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob diese Inhalte in das fertige Spiel und die erste Saison von Dragonflight \u00fcbernommen werden. Allerdings k\u00f6nnten wohl nur ernste Probleme zu wirklichen Ver\u00e4nderungen an den Pl\u00e4nen f\u00fchren.<\/p>\n
Die folgenden Details stammen aus dem Bluepost zu der Beuteverteilung in Dragonflight:<\/p>\n
Meiner Meinung nach klingen diese \u00c4nderungen durchaus sinnvoll und interessant. Die Gruppenbeute ist f\u00fcr mich das deutlich interessantere System und ich freue mich dar\u00fcber, dass die Entwickler es endlich f\u00fcr die Raids<\/span> zur\u00fcckbringen. Hoffentlich kann man dann auch wieder auf Pl\u00fcndermeister<\/span> stellen und etwas mehr Kontrolle in organisierte Raids<\/span> bringen. Auf den Liveservern wird das System dann sicherlich neben der pers\u00f6nlichen Beute existieren. Ich kann mir nur schwer vorstellen, dass die Entwickler komplett darauf verzichten und Spielern die Wahl vorenthalten.<\/p>\n
Ansonsten freue ich mich \u00fcber keine Einschr\u00e4nkungen beim Handeln von Gegenst\u00e4nden und die Chase-Epics<\/span> sind eine unerwartete Neuerung. Das Ganze k\u00f6nnte sehr spannend oder sehr l\u00e4stig werden. Ich muss erst einmal sehen, wie das Ganze auf den Liveservern funktioniert und ob die Entwickler es \u00fcberhaupt in das fertige Addon \u00fcbernehmen.<\/p>\n
Was die BoE<\/span> Epics<\/span> betrifft, so finde ich alle erw\u00e4hnten Anpassungen gut. Das stundenlange Farmen<\/span> von Trash war mir schon immer ein Dorn im Auge und durch die Ver\u00e4nderungen ist das nicht mehr n\u00f6tig. Dieser Umstand st\u00f6rt zwar mit Sicherheit einige Top-Gilden und gewisse Raider<\/span>, aber ich geh\u00f6re nicht zu dieser Gruppe von Spielern und sehe wenig Sinn in einem System, welches das Grinden<\/span> f\u00f6rdert. Mehr coole BoES<\/span> sind ebenfalls eine gute Sache. Diese Anpassungen so f\u00fcr Dragonflight<\/span> zu \u00fcbernehmen, w\u00fcrde sicherlich zu einer interessanten Saison f\u00fchren.<\/p>\n
\nChanges & Experiments to Raid Rewards in Dragonflight Season 1<\/h1>\n
Hey everyone! We wanted to get out a sort of primer ahead of the Raid Testing tomorrow to provide context for the sorts of changes you will (and won\u2019t) see as you step into Dragonflight\u2019s first raid, Vault of the Incarnates.<\/span><\/p>\n
Before diving into what\u2019s different – this post is going to be entirely about the Raid. We\u2019ll have other information before long available on what\u2019s going on with other endgame activities (like Mythic+) at a later date, so we won\u2019t be making any mention of them here just to stay focused on the topic at hand.<\/span><\/p>\n
Without further ado, here\u2019s what\u2019s in for tomorrow:<\/span><\/p>\n
Group Loot:<\/span><\/p>\n
- While inside Vault of the Incarnates, Group Loot will be the only<\/strong> method of loot distribution. There is no option to select for yourself or your group to return to Personal Loot.<\/span><\/li>\n
- Some items, like professions reagents may still use Personal Loot where appropriate.<\/span><\/li>\n
- Need & Greed UI will return, and we\u2019ll be monitoring feedback to make the rules around when and how players can roll on items be as intuitive as possible.<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Loot Trading<\/span><\/p>\n
- While inside a raid, all item level restrictions placed on trading between members of that group are removed entirely.<\/strong> This means that even small item level increases that aren\u2019t upgrades (as is often the case with rings and necklaces, which are budgeted high in secondary stats) won\u2019t be locked to a player even in the case that they roll and win that item.<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Item Level Tiering<\/span><\/p>\n
- There now exists a 3rd item level tier at which items may drop, up from 2.<\/span><\/li>\n
- 389 is the base item level for Normal difficulty and will drop from Eranog, Primal Council, Sennarth, and Terros.<\/span><\/li>\n
- 395 is a new intermediate tier (was previously final bosses) that exists now for Wing Bosses – Dathea, Ascended and Kurog Grimtotem.<\/span><\/li>\n
- 398 is reserved for Final Bosses – Broodkeeper Diurna and Raszageth, the Storm-Eater<\/span><\/li>\n
- These item level increases still stay within the +13 band for each \u2018tier\u2019 of difficulty – meaning that Heroic Base would start at item level 402, just +4 after them.<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
For a long while we\u2019ve observed that while players love the challenge of powerful wing bosses and \u2018mid-tier walls\u2019 like Halondrus, Sludgefist, and Painsmith Raznal – it didn\u2019t make much sense when overcoming those involved challenges rewarded you with the same gear as you got from defeating a Shriekwing, or similar first boss. Our hope is that by introducing new tiers of raid rewards, progressing through Vault of the Incarnates (and future raids) will feel more meaningful as you master the difficult encounters within.<\/span><\/p>\n
Unique Drops<\/span><\/p>\n
Additionally, we\u2019re experimenting with a number of bosses that possess one item that intentionally drops at a higher item level – usually +6 or +7 from that boss\u2019s normal table.<\/span>
\nTo be clear: this isn\u2019t titanforging. It will be the same item every time, and will be very slightly rarer to compensate (and pending some new tech, we\u2019ll have the ability to note this in the dungeon journal itself). These can be unique appearances, items with special bonus effects, or a powerful trinket that many people may seek after.<\/span><\/p>\nWe have a few things we\u2019re hoping to accomplish with this:<\/span><\/p>\n
- Retain some excitement from early bosses that groups typically master very quickly and no longer become challenging by spicing up their loot tables<\/span><\/li>\n
- Give more long-term goals for difficult encounters<\/span><\/li>\n
- Make a larger push towards having Item Level accurately reflect the power of a particular item.<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
While we added many strong effects to weapons in Shadowlands, it wasn\u2019t easily communicated how good an effect actually was – for instance Edge of Night (the sylvanas daggers) were clearly much stronger than their item level indicated, but they still appeared the same as the rest of her loot table. Our hope is that by being a bit more flexible with item level, we can give ourselves better tools for tuning these effects appropriately and in a way that makes sense to all players intuitively.<\/span><\/p>\n
For the moment it\u2019s intended that not all 8 bosses posses one, but that\u2019s something that could change in the future. Current examples of unique drops are:<\/span><\/p>\n
- A pair of special rings from Eranog and Diurna<\/span><\/li>\n
- An \u2018Omni Trinket\u2019 (Str\/Agi\/Int) from the Primal Council that gets stronger with more copies<\/span><\/li>\n
- A special bow from the Storm Incarnate herself, Raszageth<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
That ends the list of things that are exist and are implemented (though tuning for trinkets and special effects are still very work-in-progress). That said, we\u2019d also like to share some plans that aren\u2019t implemented. We\u2019re interested in trying this out for a future<\/strong> beta build and getting your feedback on how it feels.<\/span><\/p>\n
Bind-on-Equip items:<\/span><\/p>\n
- Regular non-boss enemies within raids will no longer have a chance to drop Bind on Equip Epic items. Instead, \u2018Lieutenant\u2019 enemies – named mini-bosses throughout the raid – will have chances to drop them instead. These would work like LT\u2019s do in current WoW, where you\u2019re only eligible to receive loot from them once per week, per difficulty.<\/span><\/li>\n
- BoEs would become scaled with group size like regular bosses do. This would guarantee a set number of BoEs each raid per group, assuming a full clear of the instance.<\/span><\/li>\n
- Lastly, we\u2019d be placing more important items into the BoE pool. This could be anything from weapons to higher item-level pieces to make them more worthwhile to raiders.<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
The goal of these changes are to reimagining BoEs by making the raid environment itself a sort of \u20189th boss\u2019, with a guaranteed amount of extra loot to reward progressing deeper into the raid or efficient full clears without the need to kill every single bat or Mawsworn off in a corner of the battlefield to get your value. Additionally, this as an opportunity to create clear and understandable rules about how BoEs work, and support them as a reliable source of gear players want, rather than feel like an afterthought.<\/span><\/p>\n
That\u2019s all for now – please feel free to ask questions and provide feedback both on this post, and as some of you dive into Raid Testing over the next week or so and we\u2019ll respond and clarify as much as we can. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the raid!<\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>\n