The upcoming release of Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker has been delayed to December 7. Early access for the expansion will now open on Friday, December 3. The development team apologizes to all players anticipating Endwalker’s release, stating that a delay is only taking place to make the expansion the best it can be. Below, we have noted two quotes from the Live Letter, where Yoshida explained some of the reasoning behind the delays. (via)
Aktuell warten viele Spieler des in den letzten Jahren immer beliebter gewordenen MMORPGs Final Fantasy XIV auf die Veröffentlichung der unter dem Namen „Endwalker“ laufenden vierten Erweiterung des Spiels. Dieses brandneue Addons sollte den bisherigen Plänen der Entwickler zufolge am 23. November 2021 erscheinen. Zum Frust vieler Fans hat Producer & Director Naoki Yoshida gestern Abend aber nun in einem offenen Brief an die Fangemeinde verkündet, dass das Team den Release der Erweiterung leider ein wenig nach hinten verschieben musste.
Der neue Veröffentlichungstermin für Endwalker ist laut Naoki Yoshida jetzt der 07. Dezember 2021. Der Early Access für dieses kommende Addon soll am 03. Dezember 2021 beginnen und es Spielern erlauben schon vorher in den Content einzusteigen. Dieser praktische Vorteil steht allen Personen zur Verfügung, die die Erweiterung schon jetzt vorbestellt haben und das Addon nicht erst beim Launch erwerben.
Was den Grund für diese Verschiebung der Veröffentlichung betrifft, so erklärt Naoki Yoshida die Hintergründe dieser lästigen Verzögerung eigentlich recht gut. Endwalker ist eine sehr große Erweiterung, die einige große Elemente der Geschichte zum Abschluss bringt und viele Neuerungen beinhaltet. Das Team hat viel Zeit in die Optimierung und Aufwertung dieser Elemente investiert und jetzt fehlt ihnen einfach die Zeit dafür, um die vor dem Launch notwendigen Tests für die Qualitätssicherung durchzuführen. Da die Entwickler die Stabilität des Spiels und Qualität des Spiels nicht gefährden möchten, entschieden sie sich für diesen ärgerlichen Schritt.
Der aufgeführte Grund für die Verzögerung ist in meinen Augen durchaus nachvollziebar und sinnvoll. Niemand will ein Addon spielen, welches Bugs beinhaltet oder andere Probleme aufweist. Die zwei Wochen an Verzögerung sind keine allzu lange Wartezeit und durchaus ein lohnenswertes Opfer für die gewährten Vorteile. Ansonsten bin ich mal wieder sehr froh zu sehen, dass die Entwickler von Spielen mittlerweile keine Angst mehr vor solchen Verzögerungen haben. Unfertige Spiele auf den Markt zu werfen wird dadurch langsam immer seltener.
Greetings FINAL FANTASY XIV players. This is Producer & Director, Naoki Yoshida.
First and foremost, I would like to extend my thanks to everyone playing FINAL FANTASY XIV and looking forward to our upcoming expansion pack, Endwalker. However, it is with great regret that I must inform you of some unfortunate news just before our scheduled launch date, and I would like you to read the following in full.
Postponing the Release of Endwalker
I am incredibly sorry to share this so close to launch, but I have decided to postpone the release of Endwalker. The original release date was scheduled for Tuesday, November 23, 2021, but I have decided to delay the release by two weeks. As such, the expansion pack will now be released on Tuesday, December 7, 2021.
There are several reasons for the postponement, but as I’m the one overseeing all aspects of the title as the head of the project, the responsibility falls solely on me. Allow me to convey my sincerest apologies to our players, our Warriors of Light around the world who have been looking so forward to the release of Endwalker. I am truly sorry.
The new schedule, including Early Access, is outlined below.
Official Release: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Start of Early Access: Friday, December 3, 2021Patch 6.01 Scheduled Release: Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Patch 6.05 Scheduled Release: Tuesday, January 4, 2022Reasons for the Schedule Change
The biggest factor behind the release date change was my own selfishness as the game’s director. Ever since I was placed in charge of the original FFXIV, I’ve continued the development and operations for FFXIV over the past 11 years while always endeavoring to balance my position as the producer overseeing the project and the director in charge of development. It was my intention to work in this same manner as we approached the final stages of Endwalker’s development.
As I have mentioned previously in interviews and during live streams, Endwalker will be the largest expansion pack in the history of FFXIV. It has been a huge undertaking, but we proceeded with development following plans that would allow us to make it in time for the originally scheduled release date, although admittedly everything would be down right to the wire.
However, as we neared the end of development and I played through everything—from quests to battle content and the like—I just couldn’t contain my desire to further improve Endwalker’s quality, specifically because this expansion pack marks the first major culmination of events in FFXIV so far. Even as we look beyond Endwalker, the FFXIV story will continue for a long time and we hope to deliver many more enjoyable experiences in the game. However, it was precisely because Endwalker concludes the first major saga that I felt our team needed to push ourselves to the “limits” that I envisioned.
As a result, we remained firmly resolved to adjust down to the smallest nuances and ensure our writing covers even the finest points of the vast and intricate story that has spanned these past 11 years since the original FFXIV to ensure that everyone can fully enjoy their adventure in Endwalker. Unfortunately, the consequence of this was that we ended up in a situation where we cut into the time required for final quality assurance checks due to this time spent on additional improvements.
At this rate, there was a bigger risk of us reaching the release date without ensuring “stability” as one form of quality, and for that reason, I have decided to postpone the release at this time. As we also anticipate large amounts of congestion across all game Worlds, I felt that even in this respect it wouldn’t be right for us to release the expansion while lacking adequate “stability.” I am truly sorry.
When I look at my own career, up until now I have never postponed a previously announced release date (although I did once shift a release from Spring to early Summer…) and, when I also considered that many players had already made arrangements such as taking days off work in preparation for the original release date, I was incredibly torn between whether or not we should cut down the expansion pack’s volume or even release content in installments. As such, I humbly ask you all to forgive me for the decision I’ve made.
Final Remarks and Looking Toward the Future
While we have postponed the release date by two weeks, I believe we have been able to successfully depict Endwalker’s story because we set forth on this long journey developing and operating FFXIV together with the players. While we will require a little longer until the expansion pack’s release, please rest assured that we will continue investing every ounce of our strength into development and operations in order to deliver an immersive adventure to our players.
Once more I would like to convey my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused to our players and colleagues due to my own shortcomings. I sincerely apologize for this decision.
We will continue to do our utmost to bring you the best experience not only in Endwalker but also through further updates and content that will follow, restoring your trust one step at a time. (via)
Egal. Square hat mit Shadowbringers gut geliefert, und sollen sie sich die Zeit nehmen. Es wird gut werden.
Hauptsache alles rund um der Story läuft rund das Addon ist schon gekauft <3
Die Leute von Square haben es bisher bei jedem Addon-Release geschafft, dass ein spielbares und nahezu bugfreies Abenteuer erscheint. Von daher sollen sie sich doch die zwei Wochen mehr Zeit nehmen, ich kann warten 🙂
Da bin ich aber mal gespannt ob zwei Wochen reichen. Das sie überhaupt verschieben lässt darauf schließen das es noch einige Bugs und Probleme gibt, aber zwei Wochen sind weder für Tests noch für Korrekturen viel Zeit. Hoffe mal das ich mich täusche, die Erfahrung mit anderen Spielen lässt leider böses befürchten.