Dieser Leak stammt aus dem Forum von MMO-Champion. Angeblich entstammt der einem Developer-Discord-Treffen. Es sind einige ganz nette Ideen dabei, daher poste ich die Sache einfach mal hier rein:

– New Zone: The Dragon Isles
– New Race: Black Dragons
– New System: World Shaping

End of Shadowlands

– In the fight with the Jailer Azeroth is ruptured. We beat the Jailer and save the planet, but there’s consequences. Some „stay a while and listen“ events after the fight describe the state of Azeroth. Magni reverts back from diamond form.

– 9.2.5 pre-expansion event being put together is huge. Lots of reused events like earthquakes and invasions but also a massive Timewalking event that’s being designed as a „mini-season-of-mastery“ across lots of Azeroth centric dungeons and raids. Devs want players familiar with the history of Azeroth before 10.0, a “big tour” of old events and lore.

– „Crazed“ Troggs, Quilboar, Mantid and Elemental invasions across most of Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend and Pandaria. New world boss „Garaddon, Son of Galakrond“.

New Xpac

– 10.0 Cinematic being put together is the biggest Blizz have ever produced. Entire cine team has been developing this for over a year. All Shadowlands pre-rendered cinematics were scrapped and whole team moved on to this. Is a „love letter“ to Azeroth, mirrors the original WoW launch cinematic and ends with Azeroth being „born“.

– As a result of the Jailer’s assault, „Azeroth the Eternal“ is born from the World Soul. She’s a dragon! Sort of…

– All world souls are unique and Azeroth’s essence has indirectly shaped the planet for eons.

– Dragons are tied directly to Azeroth who is sort of the dragon progenitor.

– Once players reach Dragon Isles they work directly with Azeroth to „reshape“ the world. Story here is that the planet has taken a beating over the last couple of decades and it is having dire consequences for everyone living there.

– Azeroth as a character described sort of like Leeloo from 5th Element. A supreme being but with the mind of a child. Players need to help her unlock her powers to heal the planet. She’s in a temple on Dragon Isles with Thrall and Wrathion. Lots of “Earthwarder” lore as the three of them try to do what Deathwing couldn’t.

– Azeroth has her own talent tree, looks very much like old school talent trees from Classic. Players can help her by „training“ her via this tree. Each talent is also usable by players through the „World Bond“ ability.

– New abilities are like Covenant abilities but no additional “locked in” choices. Everyone gets the same abilities. Abilities have secondary effects depending on the zone you’re in. One example is an ability like Abomination Limb that also works as a grapple hook.

– Dragon Isles zones will change over time via World Shaping, some pretty cool massive changes like a whole zone turning from a desert into a forest. Zone is heavily Elf focused with Night Elves trying to discover a way to restore Teldrassil with Azeroths help. You plant trees and tend to a huge forest here, like a massive version of the MoP farm.

– World Shaping unlocks new abilities in each zone. Water walking, flying, teleporting, spectral sight, treasure finding.

– Some older zones in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor will be getting big updates during the expansion.

Black Dragons

– Works like Worgen, customize your dragon form and humanoid appearances. Humanoid can be any race, including allied races. Extra customization options for humanoid form including horns, tails, jewelry, scales as well as effects like burning eyes and “molten blood” which is a cool new effect.

– Dragon Form is mainly used for travel and two racial abilities, story will explain why Black Dragons need to learn how to fight like mortals as one of the classes.

– Black Dragons can be Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Druid, Hunter, Warlock, Priest, Shaman and Paladin. All the original WoW classes.

– Black Dragon druid lore and shapeshift forms are „super fun“.

– Wrathion has been trying to restore the Black Dragonflight since Cata. Players are new dragons that Wrathion has been overseeing in The Dragon Isles. Wrathion has recruited/kidnapped class trainers from all over Azeroth to train his new flight. The warlock trainer will cause some players to flip out.

– Since the battle with Deathwing all dragon aspects have been losing their magic. New dragons (players) need to learn how to fight alongside mortal races to save their race. Wrathions big thing is reversing the loss of magic from Dragons completely and protecting his flight.

– No big bad in 10.0 but there are infinite dragons, netherwing and some new Dragon Isles specific proto-races (there’s a pretty fun Trogg progenitor race that’s actually super advanced and intelligent). Going back to smaller zone-contained stories. Big focus on discovery, soft-rebooting Azeroth (the planet) and setting up future conflicts.

Was meint Ihr? Leak oder Fake?



  1. Die Dinge mit quasi Reboot, mehr Fokus auf die Welt und sich ändernde Gebiete klingen einfach zu gut um wahr zu sein. Vieles davon klingt aber einfach zu krass nach Fanboy Wunsch, besonders die Black Dragon Rasse wäre den normalen Rassen ja irgendwie massiv überlegen.

    Ich würde mir wirklich wünschen, dass das WoW Dev Team einen Schritt zurück geht vom aktuellen Stil und so ein Addon bringt. Und endlich ein wenig daraus lernt was Spiele bei Classic gut fanden. Aber ich bezweifel es sehr stark, da die Quelle auch so super dubious ist.

  2. Puuuh ich weiß nicht. Einerseits hört sichs schon nice an. Black Dragons als neue Rasse, hmmm schwierig. Dass sie wohl die Dracheninsel reinbringen, kann ich mir schon vorstellen, weil sie ja eigtl seit Vanilla (glaub ich) hätte eingebaut werde solle.
    Klar is WoW grad eher langweilig. Merken es selber grad, weil wir gerade bei unseren Raidtagen viel tricksen müssen, um die 20 Leute für Myrhic zu bekommen. Aber ich hab trotzdem mein Spaß, weil die Gildenleute einfach top sind:) aber mache halt aktuell echt net viel. Paar Daylies und Kräuter farmen. M+ hab ich aktuell wenig Lust. Kann als Rogue machen was ich will, aber nen +15er Key werd ich selten mitgenommen (hab halt auch „nur“ ne 1954 Wertung). Problem ist halt, dass die meisten Gildenleute halt au arbeiten und es sich immer mit meinen Zeiten grad schneidet^^

  3. Retail spielt doch eh kein Schwein mehr.
    Ich gehe davon aus das noch dieses Jahr der Release von WOTLK – Classic angekündigt wird.
    Das beste Addon ! – Endlich wieder den Lichking kloppen !

    • Also ich spiele es noch und meine Gilde ist auch voll. Sicher sind es weniger geworden, aber ich könnte nicht behaupten das mir mein Server leer vorkommt.

    • Nicht das ich es blizzard bedingslos zutrauen würde aber wenn es gut aussieht kriegen sie die 70-85 Euro für den Start content, das klingt nett. Back dragon druid inc

  4. Alle aktuellen „Leaks“ drehen sich um die Dragon Isles, weil das einer der wenigen noch unerforschten Teile der Welt ist. Das ist also schon einmal sehr unkreativ. Zusätzlich dazu sind die Dragon Isles voll mit Tempeln zu den Alten Göttern und angeblich nur in der Form eines Drachen. Deshalb der Name. Die Entwickler müssten diese bisherige Lore ändern, damit diese angeblichen Leaks stimmen. Ich tippe darauf, dass das Ganze nicht echt ist.

    + Schwarze Drachen als Rasse wären irgendwie komisch.


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