Vor ungefähr einer Woche wurde die erste geschlossene Beta für den PvP-Aspekt von Overwatch 2 offiziell gestartet. Seit diesem Zeitpunkt haben die Tester viele Runden in diesem Titel gespielt, die neuen Schlachtfelder besucht und die angepassten Helden des Spiels ausprobiert. Passend dazu haben die Entwickler gestern Abend einen interessanten neuen Blogeintrag veröffentlicht, der ein Fazit zu dieser ersten Woche an Tests in der Beta darstellt.

Laut den Entwicklern möchten sie während der Beta jetzt wöchentliche Beiträge dieser Art veröffentlichen. Auf diese Weise wollen sie die Kommunikation mit ihrer Spielerschaft verbessern und mehr Feedback zu den verschiedenen Elementen von Overwatch 2 sammeln. Dieser Beitrag zu der ersten Woche dreht sich dabei dann um die vier folgenden Themen: Die Ziele der Beta, Wartezeiten und gewertete Spiele, das Balancing und das neue Scoreboard.

Wer keine Lust hat den kompletten Beitrag zu lesen, der findet folgend eine übersetzte Zusammenfassung:

  • Die erste Beta von Overwatch 2 sollte mehrere Elemente testen:
    • Den Wechseln zu 5v5
    • Die neuen Spielfelder
    • Den neuen Push-Modus
    • Das Balancing der Helden
    • Die Stabilität der Server und des Builds
  • Der Wechsel zu 5v5 stößt bisher auf viel positives Feedback und die Entwickler sind zufrieden mit den schneller ablaufenden Runden.
  • Der Push-Modus erfreut sich ebenfalls großer Beliebtheit. Das Team muss die Regeln aber vielleicht noch etwas anpassen.
  • Der erste Beta Balance Patch soll in den nächsten Tagen erscheinen.
  • Viele Elemente wie beispielsweise die Profile, die Menüs, die Optik einiger Charaktere und die Zeitzonen der Maps sind noch immer aktiv in der Entwicklung.
  • Das System für goldene Waffen ist ebenfalls unfertig und Spieler sollten die aktuelle Version nicht zu ernst nehmen.
  • Kommende Builds für die Beta sollen neuen Helden, Spielfelder und Features mit sich bringen.
  • Die Beta beinhaltet nur schnelle Partien, weil die Entwickler das Erstellen von Runden möglichst schnell gestalten wollten. Zusätzlich dazu sind umfangreiche Anpassungen an gewerteten Partien geplant, die noch nicht bereit für solch einen Test sind.
  • Den Entwicklern ist bewusst, dass die Wartezeiten für DDs und Tanks aktuell viel zu lang sind.
  • Das Team möchte das Spielen von Unterstützern attraktiver gestalten.
  • Die Beta soll bald eine klassische Warteschlange mit offenen Rollenplätzen erhalten. Dadurch können Spieler schneller in Runden einsteigen.
  • Die Beta ist enorm wichtig, um Probleme beim Balancig zu entdecken. Die meisten Helden fallen in recht solide Siegraten. Es gibt allerdings einige Ausreißer, die das Team bald anpassen möchte.
  • Viele Spieler sind der Meinung, dass die Unterstützer durch Overwatch 2 zu wenig neue Inhalte erhalten haben. Die Entwickler verstehen diese Sichtweise. Für die läuft die beste Lösung darauf hinaus, einfach weitere Unterstützer in das Spiel einzubauen. Kurzfristig experimentiert das Team aktuell mit mehreren Änderungen und Hilfen für diese Rolle.
  • Das neue Scoreboard aus Overwatch 2 zeigt eine Reihe von nützlichen Informationen in Echtzeit an. Es ist in Partien selbst abrufbar und es soll das bisher verwendete System rund um Medaillen ersetzen.
  • Durch das neue Scoreboard möchten die Entwickler ihre Spieler mit mehr Feedback und nützlichen Informationen versorgen.
  • Das Scoreboard soll bald um eine Kategorie rund um abgefangenen Schaden durch Schilde erweitert werden.
  • Das Team hat viel Feedback zu optischen Verbesserungen für das Scoreboard und das Interface erhalten.


Overwatch 2 PvP Beta: Week 1 Developer Blog

Throughout week one of our first Technical Beta for Overwatch 2, our team has been galvanized by all the enthusiasm and positive energy from so many participating players. We’re carefully listening to your feedback during this Beta test. As we committed to more regular communication with our players, we plan to share a weekly update with you about what we’re learning and how that impacts our development plans. For this week’s update, we have four main topics to cover. 

Progress on Beta 1 Goals  
The main goals for our first Beta were to test our shift to 5v5, the new maps and Push game mode, overall balance, and build and server stability. We believe 5v5 is a significant adjustment for players, and we have been happy to hear consistent and positive feedback about players having more fun, feeling a greater sense of impact in their matches, and enjoying a faster pace of combat and engagements. While we will continue to adjust the rules of Push, players seem to be really enjoying this new game mode and our other new maps. We’ll talk about balance in more detail in a separate section, but our approach to balance will be to make rapid adjustments to hero power levels, and we’ll deploy our first Beta balance patch in a few days accordingly.

Because this beta test focuses primarily on gameplay and balance as well as stability, several other features and aspects of the game that you are seeing in this test are still a work in progress. For example, elements like menu screens, player profiles, multiple time of day conditions for classic maps, and the full set of hero 2.0 looks are areas our team has been working hard on that we are not yet testing publicly. And as the golden gun system has not been completed in this Beta build, what you’re currently seeing in-game does not reflect a deliberate shift in the design aesthetic but rather an incomplete feature. The same is true for other UI elements including the headshot indicators in the kill feed and refining the audio mix.

Importantly, this beta is just our first public test leading up to the future Overwatch 2 PvP release. Between now and then, we plan to add more content including heroes, maps, and features. There will be a significant amount of overall polish and refinement added in the form of enhanced UI, bug fixes, and more! 

Ranked Mode and Queue Times 
We understand that many players in our community want to play a ranked mode in the PvP Beta, and that those systems are a great way to keep players engaged and enjoying competition. We made the choice to only run quick play in this Beta test for two primary reasons: first, because in a test with a limited number of players, we generally want to prioritize making matches more quickly over splitting players into multiple queues; and second, because we’re planning some significant overhauls of our core ranked and competitive mode systems, and those are not yet ready to test publicly at scale.

However, we’ve also seen queue times increasing for tank and damage players, as those roles have been relatively more popular vs. the support role during this test. We understand the need to make playing support more attractive to players, and we’ll discuss that more below. In the interim, we’re also working to enable quick play classic with open queue so that players seeking shorter queue times will have an easy option for the remainder of the first Beta test.

Game Balance and Support Heroes 
This Beta and future tests will be critically important for identifying balance issues and adjusting. So far, most heroes are falling into a healthy range overall for play rate and win rate across different skill levels, but we’ve seen a few outliers that we’ll address in a balance patch planned for later this week. We’ll continue actively monitoring gameplay balance, and we expect to make further hero balance adjustments during this Beta.

More broadly, during our Alpha test, we observed support heroes feeling too vulnerable to diving and flanking attacks with fewer shields and no second tank focusing on protecting them. We made a significant adjustment to their role passive heading into Beta, allowing support heroes to recover more health faster and improve their survivability. This change improved their overall power and durability, and overall supports are performing well in the Beta, but we know that balance is only one aspect of what makes a hero fun to play. We have heard clearly that support players feel both tanks and damage players have more new content to enjoy and explore in this Beta. Longer term, we believe the most effective way to tackle this issue is to add exciting new support heroes to the game, and that is part of our plans. In the near term, our hero design team is also experimenting with significant, but shorter lead time, ideas including new and refreshed abilities for some existing support heroes. These types of ideas could be deployed later this first Beta test but more likely would be in our next test.

New Scoreboard 
The Overwatch scoreboard screen is a new feature we debuted in the first Beta! This scoreboard provides current statistics about both team’s hero composition and the status of your teammates’ ultimates, enabling you and your team to plan and coordinate a winning strategy. We are retiring both the Fire and Medal system with the update and enhancement of the Overwatch 2 scoreboard.

The original idea with the Medal system was to give positive reinforcement for personal performance and let players know individually how they were contributing to the team; but, as time went on, we realized that the information provided by medals led to varying interpretations by players. The team saw players incorrectly interpreting actual team performance based on the relative rankings provided by Medals. This was especially true early on in games when the statistical amounts were small. These observations led to the decision to remove the Medal and Fire systems and completely rework the Scoreboard screen and present more accurate information to players. 

For Overwatch 2, players can expect the new Scoreboard screen to display key statistics in real time for all players in the game. These statistics include eliminations, assists, deaths, damage, damage mitigated, and healing. The information will be presented in a new layout that mirrors other competitive games and sports. We want to provide players with an overall more accurate view of the game. Our team believes providing accurate feedback and encouragement can improve everyone’s gameplay experience! The scoreboard also includes personalized statistics based on the hero you are playing; for example, Lúcio will see specific data like Sound Barriers provided, environmental kills, as well as speed and healing song boost percentages. This combined team and individual performance data will help players make real-time decisions to adjust strategies and win games.

While our team believes the scoreboard system is achieving many of its goals, there are a few places specifically where we will continue to iterate. Your feedback has already been helpful in guiding our efforts on the following elements.

Information displayed 

  • We’ll be adding a new “Damage Mitigated” statistic that will reside next to Damage Done and Healing Done in the scoreboard. This statistic will cover things like damage blocked and damage reduced by other abilities such as Ana’s Nano Boost, Baptiste’s Immortality Field, and many others!  
  • The team may also look at reworking the Fire system sometime in the future to complement the scoreboard system as we believe it can provide excitement for high-performing players.  

UI and Design 

  • The team is seeing a lot of feedback highlighting certain elements of the scoreboard and how they can be more effectively communicated in game, like evaluating ultimate abilities and hero pictures to decide where on the scoreboard those things can live.  
  • Please keep in mind that this reworked scoreboard screen is a work in progress and the team will continue to iterate and improve this feature as we progress through testing. We’re already exploring multiple concepts for different layouts. 

Thank you again to all our Beta participants for your support and for sharing your feedback. We have been having so much fun playing this test build with all of you and appreciate your continued support for Overwatch 2 as we continue to make progress in development.




  1. Ich denke Teil eins war damals auch schon für 35 Euro zum Start verfügbar. Das wird schon 🙂

    Das Scoreboard wird niemals alle zufrieden stellen. Gibt immer jemanden dem es zu Casual oder zu Hardcore ist

  2. Mit dem Scoreboard bin ich echt nicht happy. Ja, gibt Infos, ist ja ok, aber genau ist das Problem in meinen Augen. Es verleitet Leute sich gegenseitig zu flamen („Guck mal, du Depp machst keinen Schaden! Zomfg!“). Bin daher der Meinung, nur die eigenen Stats sehen zu können und via Medallie zu sehen wo man ungefähr steht ist da eine gute Lösung gegen.

    Ansonsten finde ich OW2 aber hoch interessant, das Feeling ist ähnlich aber frischer, schneller als bei Overwatch. Das einzige womit sie dem Pferd jetzt noch das Genick brechen können ist meiner Meinung nach, es als Vollpreisspiel rauszuhauen. Legt es für 30 Euro ins Regal und es wird richtig laufen. Macht 60 und es wird kaum eine Sau interessieren, Hand drauf.


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