Wenn ich LARP toll finden würde, wäre ich dabei. Für 3000 Dollar kann man sich als Schulleiter einkaufen…
College of Wizardry is a four-day Wizard School larp event, where you can act out your dreams of being a student witch or wizard at a beautiful fairytale castle in Poland. Surrounded by around 130 like-minded people, at College of Wizardry you will:
– Attend classes as a witch or wizard and learn the magical arts
– Be selected to represent one of the five ancient Houses of Czocha Castle
– Explore the castle and meet the magical creatures that roam the grounds
– Make new friends and form long lasting bonds with like-minded people
– Get into discussions, stir up shenanigans, and play games
– Perhaps even a little (in-character) romance?
– Spend 3 nights at a castle in Poland and have a once-in-a-lifetime adventure
Quelle: indiegogo.com
Also ich steh ja normalerweise auch nicht auf LARP, wenns for free wär würdich mir shcon überlegen mitzuamchen
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