This is our full-length animation of the Titanic sinking, beginning with the iceberg collision and ending with its disappearance. The point of collision is at 1:06 in the video. This is a complete animation; not a short animation that was slowed down to match real time. This is also highly accurate, though we have already documented improvements we plan to make for the final game. The animation includes text frequently appearing with what is happening on board the ship. This also includes visuals of various interior rooms flooding, lifeboats launching, rockets firing, and the Californian on the horizon.

Durchaus spannend anzuschauen. So war das also damals – in Sachen Explosionen und „Auseinanderbrechen des Schiffes“ übrigens weit weniger dramatisch als im Film. Schaut mal rein!

Danke an Hakan für den Link!



  1. Man sieht aber schon, dass der Film sehr nahe dran ist. In der ersten Stunde passiert gar nichts, dann denkt man es geht los, aber es köchelt nur alles so leicht vor sich hin und zum Schluss geht alles ganz schnell.


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