Kurz vor dem Release des langerwarteten Action-Rollenspiel-MMORPGs Lost Ark am 11. Februar 2022 hat Publisher Amazon Games nochmal einen großen Eintrag im Entwickler-Blog veröffentlicht, der es in sich hat: Die bei uns spielbare europäische Version wird direkt zum Launch mehr Inhalte als bislang erwartet bieten (via)

Da die für den 11. Februar 2022 geplante Veröffentlichung des neuen MMOs Lost Ark nur noch ungefähr zwei Wochen entfernt ist, haben die Verantwortlichen gestern Abend noch einmal ein neues Team Update zu diesem Spiel veröffentlicht. In diesem Beitrag beantworten die Entwickler nicht nur einige Fragen der Spieler, sondern sie stellen auch eine Reihe von Neuerungen für diesen Titel vor. Diese Inhalte sollten zwar eigentlich nicht in der Grundversion des Spiels enthalten sein, aber die Entwickler konnten diese Neuerungen wohl schon jetzt fertigstellen.

Dadurch befindet sich die westliche Version des Spiels deutlich näher an den Versionen für Russland oder Korea und der Community wird mehr Content geboten. Das Ganze scheint einige Hardcore-Fans des Originals aktuell zwar zu verstimmen, aber viele andere Spieler freuen sich über die zusätzlichen Inhalte. Folgend findet ihr eine übersetzte Zusammenfassung der bestätigten Neuerungen.

  • Lost Ark beinhaltet drei neue Zonen. Dort treffen die Spieler auf neue Quests, Bosse, Gegenstände und Dungeons.
    • Yorn: Eine Zone im tiefen Untergrund des Kontinents Rohendel.
    • Feiton: Ein vergifteter Kontinent, der die Heimat der Halbdämonen darstellt.
    • Punika: Ein magisches Tropenparadie voll mit Sehenswürdigkeiten und hübschen Pflanzen.
  • Die T-3 Ausrüstung und einige T-3 Dungeons sind direkt verfügbar.
  • Der Schlachtzug Velganos Guardian steht den Spielern zur Verfügung.
  • Die Kampflevel-Obergrenze der Helden wird auf 60 angehoben.
  • Charakternamen sind nach dem Löschen eines Helden nicht direkt wieder im Spiel verfügbar.
  • Der Titel erhält 173 verschiedene Erfolge auf Steam.
  • Die Stimme des eigenen Helden kann angepasst werden.
  • Spieler dürfen die originale koreanische Vertonung des Spiels verwenden, wenn sie möchten.
  • Bestimmte Endgame-Inhalte wurden angepasst und sollten deutlich schwerer als in der Beta sein.
  • Einige Zwischensequenzen können jetzt übersprungen werden.

January Team Update:

Heroes of Arkesia,

As we prepare for launch next month we wanted to spend our January update sharing some new features, important changes we’ve made alongside Smilegate RPG stemming from Closed Beta player feedback, and answering open questions we’ve seen from players on forums, social media, and in our Discord server. In the coming weeks we’ll be sharing more information on launch details, monetization, and much more!

New Features

Before launch we will be sharing a full list of patch notes, but we wanted to share a few planned new features that will be available at launch.

  • Yorn Region
    • While Closed Beta allowed you to visit Rohendel for the first time, at launch you will be able to traverse even more of Arkesia’s vast lands! The Yorn region will be open for exploration.
    • In Yorn, you’ll find yourself headed underground to the home of the Umar race — a group of dwarven people that inhabit the depths below the seemingly barren land. The Umar artisans are known for their craftwork, so be sure to take a moment to enjoy the carefully constructed architecture that has resulted from hundreds of years of building work before you get to back to looking for the Ark.
    • Yorn includes new quests, bosses, Chaos dungeons, and more.
  • Feiton Region
    • In addition to Yorn, the continent of Feiton has also been added for launch.
    • You might find Feiton to be a little bit… less than welcoming. The lands of this continent were poisoned during the Chain War, and the effects of this continue to influence the landscape to this day. In Feiton, the half-human half-demon Delains reside, but only under the careful control of Avesta, a powerful assassin organization.
    • Feiton will also introduce new quests, bosses, Chaos dungeons, and more.
  • Punika Region
    • Punika is another region that was not included in the Closed Beta test that will be available at launch
    • Punika is tropical and magical, with much to explore and experience from nature’s beauty to the festivals put on by the inhabitants. You can spend time in the vibrant and lively Nia Village, or traverse the colorful sands of Starstand Beach. The land may be lush, but watch out for the wildlife — something strange seems to be happening with the creatures that inhabit the island.
    • In addition to new quests and bosses, the release of Punika also means that more late-game content will be available at launch, including limited T3 content.
  • Tier 3 Content
    • T3 gear will be available at launch, as well as a few core T3 dungeons to support proper progression including Oreha’s Well (Abyssal Dungeon), Chaos Dungeon Stage 3, and the Velganos Guardian Raid.
    • The Combat level cap has been increased to 60.
    • Additional T3 content will be added to the game post-launch in order to set the pace for player progression, both in terms of new content and optimal difficulty
  • Steam Achievements
    • 173 Steam Achievements will be available in the game at launch. These mirror some of the achievements you’ll find in-game (although there are many more to unlock in-game as well!)
  • Character Voice Selection
    • Character creation now includes an option to select a voice for your character — each class has 3 – 4 options to choose from!

Based on Player Feedback

  • Korean VO DLC Options
    • Players will be able to select the option to use the original Korean voice over in game along the subtitles of their choice — this will be obtainable in a free Steam DLC pack at launch. Korean subtitles will not be available.
  • Some early game cut-scenes are now skippable
    • During Beta, we gathered lots of feedback from players about the early game experience. While we want to continue to improve the first time experience for new players, one of the changes we made before launch is that a number of cutscenes (with the exception of some important pieces of the story) are now skippable, even the first time you play through them. Whether you got your fill of story time during the Beta, or are just more interested in powering through to the end of the game, this will save you a little bit of time if you wish.
  • Balance tweaks for pacing of the game
    • Another huge point of feedback that we received during the Closed Beta Test was that many players felt like some of the game’s pacing and gearing was not quite challenging enough. We’ve worked to make balance changes to combat this, and while it won’t slow you down early on, the endgame content will prove to be a bit more challenging for players.




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    Denke, wird epiq 🙂


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